So Say We All

The following is a compilation, continually added to, of quotes from all the great teachers that I adore and have studied since age 13. The title comes from my favorite series Battle Star Galactica, a saying that the group uttered when they were in agreement with what was being said...  I loved it. And I love what follows...  So, in dedication to Yeshua, Buddha,  and all the rest, here is So Say We All.....

"We want you to hold no regret for what has been, and only
appreciation of what all of that has led you to in your powerful
now. We feel often that you do not appreciate your powerful point in
this moment and we want so much for you to understand the
appreciation that is felt toward you, about you, always for you from
All That Is. If you could feel the love that is flowing to you,
through you, all things that you've ever wanted would be fulfilled.

"And so our words to you, that which we are most wanting you to hear

and feel and practice until they resonate with you. We want you to
begin to reach for the feelings of appreciation, not only for others
but for yourself. If there was anything that we would want you to
hear that most of you do not know, it is that you are perfect in your
now, and ever becoming more. It has always been thus.

"As soon as you figure that out, and stop beating yourself up for the

failure of some lack of some silly manifestation in this moment, and
begin taking pleasure in the idea that exists within you, THEN you
will in this moment begin the fulfillment of who you really are and
what you are about.

"You are magnificent creators and there is great love here for you.

We are complete."

~ Abraham, 6/13/99

Jim Crosson: How do you develop the power of spiritual healing?

Seth: You already have the power of spiritual healing. You want to know how to use it.

Now you use it whether or not you know that you do.

When you think thoughts of peace and vitality, and when you wish a man well, then you help heal him.

Now in order to direct this power consciously, you must again get used to the feeling of your own subjective experience .... so that you can tell subjectively when this energy is pouring through you and outward.

You can use your imagination and imagine perhaps that you hold an arrow and want to direct it to a proper location. But with practice, there is a subjective knowing that you will recognize and understand.

But you use the ability whether you realize you use it or not.

You are a healer, whether you realize this or not.

Session 483, Page 301


Some things you're not letting happen right now because the timing isn't perfect for you. Some you're not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, "Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I'm enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I'm going. Content where I am, and eager for more," that is the perfect vibrational stance.
--- Abraham

 "As I mentioned (in the last session), inner sounds are extremely important. Each of the atoms and molecules that compose your body has its own reality in sound values that you do not hear physically.

Each organ of your body then has its own unique sound value too. When there is something wrong the inner sounds are discordant.

The unharmonious sounds have become a part of that portion of the body as a result of the inner sound of your own thought-beliefs. That is why it is vital that you not reinforce these inner sounds through repeating the same negative suggestions to yourself. Verbal suggestions are translated into inner sound. This passes through your body in somewhat the same way that some kinds of light do.

Now: While you are physical creatures, then your perceptions must be largely physically oriented. Even your bodies exist in other terms than you usually suppose.

You perceive them as objects, with bulk, composed of bone and flesh. They also have "structures" of sound, light, and electromagnetic properties that you do not perceive. These are all connected with the physical image that you know. Any physical disabilities will show themselves in these other "structures" initially.

The sound, light, and electromagnetic patterns give strength and vitality to the physical form that you recognize. They are more mobile than the physical body, and even more susceptible to the changing pattern of your own thought and emotion.

 I told you that thoughts are translated into this inner sound, but thoughts always attempt to materialize themselves also. As such they are incipient images, collectors of energy. They build up their own embryonic form until it is in one way or another physically translated.

Mental images therefore are extremely powerful, combining inner sound and its effects with a clear mental picture which will seek physical form. Your imagination adds motivating and propelling power to such images, and so you will find that many of your beliefs are entertained by you in an inner visual manner. They will have mental pictures connected with them.

One such image may represent one particular belief or it may stand for several. As you make lists of your beliefs you will find some of these pictures coming into your mind. Look at them as you would a painting you have created. If you do not like what you see then quite consciously change the picture in your mind.

These images are interior, yet because they are so a part of your beliefs you will see them exteriorized also in your experience.

Let me give you a simple example. You have a sore toe. Now and then you see it quite clearly in your mind. You may find yourself looking at the toe more frequently than usual, and you may also find yourself picking out from the populace anyone who is not walking properly. These people might escape your notice ordinarily, but suddenly the world seems to be full of sore toes.

We are dealing to make a point with a belief already made physical. But if you continued such concentration the toe either would not heal or would develop into a worse condition. Behind all this, of course, would be the belief that caused the difficulty, but once you have brought about a group of symptoms you must be very careful that you do not begin to view your field of reality from that position. When you do, you add both inner and outer images that reinforce the condition.

There is light then that you do not see with physical eyes, as there is sound that you do not hear with your ears. These combine to mentally form the physical image that you know, so you must work from the inside out. Your beliefs are your palette, using the analogy of a painting again.

Your thoughts give the general outline of the reality that you physically experience. Your emotions will fill in the patterns with light. Your imagination will forge these together.

The sound of your inner thoughts is the medium that you actually use. This is far more than an analogy, however, for in simple terms it explains quite clearly the way in which your beliefs form your reality. In quiet moments the word "O-O-M-M-M-M-M," said slowly, mentally or aloud, will be of benefit in toning up your general physical condition. The sounds contain within them a built-in impetus toward energy and well-being..."

Seth, session 624 - NOPR


Bashar on manifesting change

(The guest asks why her life keeps being so repetitive through the years, the same experiences keep manifesting over and over, such as a repetitive illness issue, etc.)
Bashar: ...The idea here is, when you make an "attempt" to manifest something different, and it doesn't occur or the same thing occurs, how do you feel?
Guest: I personally feel like I'm failing because I believe in the law of attraction.
Bashar: Do you understand the law of attraction, is really the question. Do you understand really how it works.  Maybe not.
Guest: I guess not.

Bashar: All right.  Have you heard us talk about the idea of not basing how you feel on what happens outside you?
Guest: yes... I know it from other sources as well.
Bashar: And yet?
Guest: And yet... I'm very connected to why it doesn't it happen...
Bashar: Exactly. So why should it surprise you that the same thing keeps happening to show you that you are constantly basing how you feel on what happens physically. Instead of simply deciding how you are going to feel regardless of what happens. Because deciding that you will feel joy no matter what happens is the mark that you've actually changed, not whether it happens on the outside or not.  Because if you still react to the outside with disappointment and frustration, then all you are actually doing is reinforcing the fact that you actually haven't changed therefore why should the outside.
Guest: ah...
Bashar: You see, that's the paradox, if you still react to the idea that the outside hasn't changed, then you haven't changed, therefore the outside can't, because you haven't actually changed. The mark of true change is to behave differently, even if the outside still looks the same. Then you have really changed because you don't care what the outside looks like, you just decide what you are going to be, who you are going to be, how you are going to feel... because.... Because why?  Because, that's why.  Because that's what you prefer.


A Simple Experiment

5/25/11 at 11:45 am | 26 comments by DR. WAYNE W. DYER
There is no greater power in heaven or on earth than pure, unconditional love.  The nature of the God force, the unseen intelligence in all things, which causes the material world and is the center of both the spiritual and physical plane, is best described as pure, unconditional love. This God force is the oversoul to which we are always connected because we are localized extensions of that force.
I suggest you embark on an experiment in which you practice only unconditional love for several days. Vow to yourself that you will only allow unconditional loving thoughts to emanate from your consciousness. Make an intense proclamation to live unconditional love. During this time, refuse to have judgmental or critical thoughts. In your quiet time, think only peace and love. In all of your relationships, think and act in only loving ways. Extend loving thoughts and energy wherever and whenever you encounter anyone or anything. Become unconditional love for this period of time.
By pouring love into your immediate environment and practicing gentleness in all of your thoughts, words, and actions, your immediate circle of friends will begin responding in a whole new way. This act becomes expansive very quickly and you can radiate this love to your whole community. You become detached and loving toward all. You are not loving the hostile acts of others, but you are loving the spirit that is blocked in those who are harmful and unloving. When you can live this way and reject all thoughts and actions that are not of an unconditionally loving nature, you will experience the essence of your spirit and discover how to overcome limitations in your life.
What can you expect as you practice a few days of being total unconditional love? If all of your meditations are devoted to love, and if you pour love into every single situation and every single person you meet, and beyond that to everyone on the planet and to the infinity of the universe, you will feel yourself becoming a different person. You will sleep more soundly. You will feel at peace virtually all of the time. Your relationships will be more deeply spiritual. You will begin recognizing the “coincidences” of your life with greater regularity. Your thought forms of unconditional love will begin to produce what you desire without your even being aware of how it is happening. Your dreams will be more intense, and the vision of your purpose will become clearer.

BASHAR: "First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is. That's the story that you are telling now. First you simply see that there is a mountain. Then you begin to pick it apart, dissect it, analyze it, chop it into bits, look at every rock. Then, after you have gone through that process it all comes back together and you simply realize that the answer to the whole issue is: its simply a mountain."

as we pick apart existence we look for details to help make sense of it all.

but no matter the detail we find, ALL detail exists 'within' Isness.

Isness Itself just IS.

that is its one and only quality.

and since you are Isness, you have that quality too.

hence the 1st Law: YOU EXIST.

it cannot get any simpler than that.

no detail, just a mountain.

now the 2nd law acknowledges details. it says the mountain is comprised of details just as details comprise the mountain (THE ONE IS THE MANY, THE MANY ARE THE ONE).

the 2nd law, like the 1st, is acknowledging what IS, nothing more.

your confusion then, or stuck-ness, is born of the 3rd Law:


we experience stuckness when we get caught up in details and forget the mountain.

for example, the idea of infinity implies forever and forever implies time.

but Isness itself is not subject to time, time is subject to Isness.

that is to say that Isness is not infinite because Isness is not in time.

Isness just IS.

and, by sending out a signal that 'the details are confusing,' more details are added to that confusion, for the 3rd Law has no mind of its own, it just sends you back what you send it.

so how then might we untangle ourselves from such a sticky web of detail?

to remember the mountain all we need do is become aware that "WE ARE."

that is to say, "I AM"

declaring I AM acknowledges the 1st and 2nd laws whilst also making good use of the 3rd Law. for when we declare 'I Am' we consciously attune to The One (which is Love) and from that Love, we have access to all living beings, all living things, all experience.

please know that i am in no way dishonoring your search for knowledge.

for without the details there is no experience of you, no experience of me.

and that is what bashar means when he declares that 'limitation is necessary to have a localized experience.'

form by definition is made of limitation; boundaries.

and because of those boundaries we get to experience 'another.'

that is to say that, THE ONE cannot experience smelling a rose for it is both the rose and the nose that smells it - at once.

so in order for THE ONE to have the wonderful experience that is smelling a rose, it must localize itself, it must pretend it is 'Bob.'

once it is Bob, THE ONE can now smell the rose, hold another's hand, laugh until it hurts and watch the sun rise slowly in the east.
By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts that feel the very best, you are managing your own vibration, which means you are controlling your own point of attraction - which means you are creating your own reality.

It's such a wonderful thing to realize that you can create your own reality without sticking your nose in everybody else's, and that the less attention you give to everybody else's reality, the purer your vibration is going to be - and the more you are going to be pleased with what comes to you.

Abraham, date unknown


These are the most correct, truthful, accurate, natural
things that we know about you as you are expressing
through your physical form:

* You are extensions of source energy.

* You are physically focused for the purpose of
experiencing contrast.

* You are choosing to experience contrast for the
purpose of new ideas and decisions about life.

* Those new ideas and decisions about life equal the
expansion of the Universe.

* The expansion of the Universe is the inevitable
consequence of life.

* When your physical life causes the Non-Physical part
of you to expand, you must go with the expansion if you
are to experience joy.

* Joy is the most natural tenet of that which you and
we are.

* Relationships are the basis of your contrast.

* Therefore, relationships are the basis of all

* Therefore, relationships are the basis of your joy.

* If you do not find the thoughts that allow the joy,
you are holding yourself back from who-you-have-become.

* Your relationships are your reason for your

* Your relationships are often your reason for
disallowing your expansion.

* It is natural to be in a state of joy.

* It is natural to be in a state of growth.

* It is natural to be in a state of freedom.

* These are the most important things for you to
understand about relationships.

The Vortex pp. 102-103


Where Peace Lives

6/8/11 at 11:15 am | 10 Comments   by DR. WAYNE W. DYER
If you want to be a voice for peace in the world, begin by making peace a permanent condition of your own life. Your higher self knows the way, and all it takes is awareness and a determination to listen to the calling of love, forgiveness, and kindness as you move through your days. Here are a few ideas to think about:
1.       You must offer peace to have it. Think of yourself as a peaceful person. Watch out for your ego’s inclination to take offense and ramp up confrontation and disturbance in the lives of others. Try saying, “You are really having a rough day,” to a harried clerk, rather than, “I’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes already.” Let your loving presence, not your ego, guide your words and actions.
2.       Remember that grievances bring turmoil while communication brings peace. You can shed grievances by letting go of your own self-absorption and practicing forgiveness. If you are angry toward someone in your life, work at communicating with that person. A few moments of discussion and forgiveness can send the turmoil away and weaken the influence of your anxiety-loving ego.
3.       Give yourself the gift of a silent retreat every day. Even if it is only for a few moments, experience this key to higher awareness. Shut down the inner dialogue and see the difference between the constant chatter and the bliss of your silent connection to the Universe. This is the surest way to ease control away from ego and move into the inner vision of peace that is your birthright.
4.       Remind yourself that the greatest technique for bringing peace into your life is to always choose being kind when you have a choice between being right or being kind.This is the single most effective method I know for having a sense of peace. And you have that choice in all your interactions.
When your higher self is present, it always promotes peace. If you have a question about whether it is your ego or your higher self speaking, the answer becomes obvious when you ask yourself, “Will this bring peace or turmoil to my life?” Peace is not found in being right or being hurt or being angry. By all means, work toward righting the wrongs you perceive, but do it with an understanding that an angry heart keeps you from knowing God on the path of your sacred quest. Peace will come to you when you a healer rather than a judge.

The Law of Magic

I will tell you one of the deepest laws of life. You may not have thought about it at all. You have heard — the whole of science depends on it — that cause and effect is the base. You create the cause and the effect follows. Life is a causal link. You put the seed in the soil and it will sprout. If the cause is there, then the tree will follow. The fire is there: you put your hand in it and it will burn. The cause is there and the effect will follow. You take poison and you will die. You arrange for the cause and then the effect follows.

This is one of the most basic scientific laws, that cause and effect is the innermost link of all processes of life. Religion knows about a second law which is still deeper than this. But the second law which is deeper than this will look absurd if you don't know it and don't experiment with it.

Religion says: Produce the effect and the cause follows. This is absolutely absurd in scientific terms. Science says: If the cause is there, the effect follows. Religion says the converse is also true: you create the effect, and see: the cause follows.

There is a situation in which you feel happy. A friend has come, a beloved has called. A situation is the cause — you feel happy. Happiness is the effect. The coming of the beloved is the cause. Religion says: Be happy and the beloved comes. Create the effect and the cause follows.

This is my own experience, that the second law is more basic than the first. I have been doing it and it has been happening. Just be happy: the beloved comes. Just be happy: friends are there. Just be happy: everything follows.

Jesus says the same thing in different words: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, then all else will follow. But the Kingdom of God is the end, the effect. Seek ye first the end — the end means the effect, the result — and the cause will follow. This is as it should be.

It is not only that you place a seed in the soil and the tree follows; let there be a tree and there are millions of seeds. If the cause is followed by the effect, the effect is again followed by the cause. This is the chain! Then it becomes a circle — start from anywhere, create the cause or create the effect.

I tell you, it is easier to create the effect because the effect depends totally upon you; the cause may not be so dependent on you. If I say I can only be happy when a certain friend is there, then it depends on a certain friend, whether he is there or not. If I say I cannot be happy until I attain this much wealth, then it depends on the whole world and the economic situations and everything. It may not happen, and then I cannot be happy.

The cause is beyond me. The effect is within me. The cause is in the surroundings, in the situations — the cause is without. The effect is me! If I can create the effect, the cause will follow.

Choose happiness — that means you are choosing the effect — and then see what happens. Choose ecstasy and see what happens. Choose to be blissful and see what happens. Your whole life will change immediately and you will see miracles happening around you...because now you have created the effect and causes will have to follow.

This will look magical; you can even call it "The Law of Magic." The first is the law of science and the second is the law of magic. Religion is magic, and you can be the magician. That's what I teach you: to be the magician, to know the secret of magic.

Try it! You have been trying the other your whole life — not only this but many other lives also. Now listen to me! Try this magic formula, this mantra I give to you. Create the effect and see what happens; causes immediately surround you, they follow. Don't wait for the causes; you have waited long enough. Choose happiness and you will be happy.

What is the problem? Why can't you choose? Why can't you work on this law? Because your mind, the whole mind, which has been trained by scientific thinking, says that if you are not happy and you try to be happy, that happiness will be artificial. If you are not happy and you try to be happy that will be just acting, that will not be real. This is what scientific thinking says, that that will not be real, you will be just acting.

But you don't know: life energy has its own ways of working. If you can act totally it will become the real. The only thing is, the actor must not be there. Move totally in it, then there is no difference. If you are acting half-heartedly then it will remain artificial.

If I say to you dance and sing and be blissful, and you try half-heartedly, just to see what happens, but you remain behind...and you go on thinking: This is just artificial. I am trying but this is not coming, this is not spontaneous — then it will remain acting, a waste of time.

If you try, then try wholeheartedly. Don't remain behind, move into it, become the acting — dissolve the actor into acting and then see what happens. It will become real and then you will feel it is spontaneous. You have not done it; you will know then that it has happened. But unless you are total this cannot happen. Create the effect, be in it completely, see and observe the results.

I can make you kings without kingdoms; you only have to act like kings, and act so totally that before you even a real king will appear as if he is just acting. And when the whole energy has moved into it, it becomes reality! Energy makes anything real. If you wait for kingdoms they never come.

Even for a Napoleon, for an Alexander, who had big kingdoms, they never came. They remained miserable because they didn't come to realize the second, more basic and primal law of life. Alexander was trying to create a bigger kingdom, to become a bigger king. His whole life was wasted in creating the kingdom, and then there was no time left for him to be king. He died before the kingdom was complete.

This has happened to many. The kingdom can never be complete. The world is infinite; your kingdom is bound to remain partial. With a partial kingdom how can you be a total king? Your kingdom is bound to be limited and with a limited kingdom how can you be the emperor? It is impossible. But you can be the emperor. Just create the effect.

Swami Ram, one of the mystics of this century, went to America. He used to call himself Badshah Ram, Emperor Ram. And he was a beggar! Somebody said to him: You are just a beggar, but you go on calling yourself the emperor. So Ram said: Don't look at my things, look at me. And he was right, because if you look at things then everybody is a beggar...even an emperor. He may be a bigger beggar, that's all. When Ram said: Look at me! in that moment, Ram was the emperor. If you looked, the emperor was there.

Create the effect, become the emperor, be a magician... and from this very moment, because there is no need to wait. One has to wait if the kingdom has to come first. If the cause has to be created first, then one has to wait and wait and wait and postpone. There is no need to wait to create the effect. You can be the emperor this very moment.

When I say, Be! Just be the emperor and see: the kingdom follows.... I have known it through my experience. I am not talking to you about a theory or a doctrine. Be happy, and in that peak of happiness you will see the whole world is happy with you.

There is an old saying: Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry, and you cry alone. Even the trees, the rocks, the sand, the clouds...if you can create the effect and be ecstatic, they will all dance with you; then the whole existence becomes a dance, a celebration.

But it depends on you, if you can create the effect. And I say to you, you can create it. It is the easiest thing possible. It looks very difficult because you have not tried it yet. Give it a try!

Osho, My Way: The Way of the White Clouds, Talk #3

What-is has no bearing on what is coming unless you are continually regurgitating the story of what-is.

By thinking and speaking more of how you really want your life to be, you allow what you are currently living to be the jumping-off place for so much more. But if you speak predominantly of what-is, then you still jump off-but you jump off into more of the same.

- Abraham-Hicks -
You don't have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you're going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that's what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn't take very much life experience to discover you can't control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you've controlled everything that has anything to do with you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Thursday, March 28th, 2002 # 66
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther  (thank you Anne…)

So say we all- work file
: "Many habits of repression come about because you are afraid to make conscious decisions, or simply do not want to be bothered with them, and certainly all probable events do not attract you to any important degree.

It is, however, an excellent policy to seek out the available conscious decisions that can be made in your lives, for you see your own situations then in a newer clearer light. Period. (Long pause.)
Animals massage each other, and also use touch healing, and these
activities represent the natural characteristics available in the "animal family," as well as occurring naturally in the family of man.

Animals playing are always exchanging healing transformations of energy from one to the other. Your own feelings connecting your hands, therefore, are quite pertinent and significant. Some people are more aware than others of such connections. They have been frowned upon in your society, however, so they are most often repressed.

It is quite healthy, particularly at certain stages, for young children to sleep together in the same room or even in the same bed, as long as some opportunity for seclusion is provided to them when they want it--for at night the ancient families did indeed refresh and heal themselves. many instances one individual can help heal another easier than the person can himself. That is, the suffering person, to whatever degree, already mistrusts or distrusts the nature of his own abilities, but usually can and will accept such a loving attention from another family member, or even from a friend.

I meant to mention these points in particular. There are many different ways that people use such energy Ruburt received another letter today (which I have yet to read), from someone experimenting with the kundalini version of energy, in which the final results were poor, leading to a fear of energy itself.

It is highly important then that you realize the vitality and natural right to such energy, as it is available not only to yourself but to the plant and animal kingdoms themselves.

Since your bodies constantly heal themselves, and since all nature is
basically cooperative, so the exchange of such healing energy is freely effortless.

It is best, beginning, to deal with specifics, working with any given small area--actually somewhat in the same manner that an animal might lick the fur of another.
You have both made some rather important connections lately that can only serve to remind you of an important point: Ruburt's "symptoms" should not be regarded as one black blot of a certainly reprehensible quality, sometimes seen in a quite hopeless light..." DELETED SESSION 1/27/82 p.267

Notes from Bashar's RSVP

Get involved, participate, act, be, do. Show generousity, show kindness, show love, show acceptance, show   allowance in thought, word and deed, show helpfulness, show support, show connection, show relationship, re-la-tion-ship!
There is only one thing. There is only one thing. And we are all it. And it is us. All of us. You. Us. Everyone, everywhere, everything, everywhen … And so! What seem like different topics, different subjects, will be the same. One consciousness, who's chords will be plugged at different pitches.
Creating what seem to be different notes, to create an orchestration of allowance, malleability and true power!
TRUE power.
Destruction of course, is no power. Never has been. It is easy to destroy.
That's because it takes no power.  Power is in creation. Power is in relationship. Power is in unity. That is power. It takes no power to destroy. That's why anyone can do it. And it's easy and quick. You can destroy a builiding in seconds.

Create together! Bond together a foundation that is unbreakable across the planet. Teach through action. Not proselytizing. Not "You must know this! Or else you're not one of us!" Not that! Not that. Not that. Oh – did I mention: Not that? For that is not teaching. That is not teaching.
That is only fear, that what you say you believe in might not really be so. And so! To convince yourself you must convince others.

Of course that never works.

And so we will never try that.

Those at the deepest levels of government, at the controls of mass media and common religions, those who are pointing away from themselves -- pointing to other people and other groups as terrorists -- they use diversion, projection, mental suggestions, and their control of the news to keep the global population in the dark regarding themselves at sources, creators and instigators of the very terrorism that they are talking about.

It is good to not stick our heads in the sand -- that is for sure!

But it is most important to not stick our heads in the sands regarding our true nature as Creators. We are Immortal Spiritual Beings! ... who have incredible abilities, deep magical guidance from our soul family & friends, and who are constantly shaping and directing our personal and collective experiences.

It is important for you, me, and all of us to be creative and to maintain a clear focus.

Focus clearly upon whatever it is you wish to create. Be very sure upon where you place your attention in the ever-unfolding here-and-now.

If one focuses on terrorism, the Illuminati, and what the ordinary news is saying -- if you focus excessively on mishap, problems, secret dark forces controlling this world, or on dis-ease, fear and difficulties -- it is incredibly easy to create more of the same upon which you focus.

Stay the course as to what YOU most want to create and upon the topics that benefit and excite you the most ... no matter what outside forces assail your life. You are creating your reality in the space and time that unfolds before your gaze. Keep your eyes on the center of your most treasured, benevolent, healthy, fun and truly beneficial creations.

It may be a difficult time but the ability to rise above and beyond external circumstances is available. You are a Creator. You create from the central energies emerging from your state of being.  

Stay the course and maintain your focus on what excites. You are an offspring of Prime Creator and you have Its abilities. Never forget that. Know what's going in your world at this time ... but make it even more important to remember who you are, and fashion your state of being so that it is aligned with the world that you most want to experience.

You can be successful.

-Bashar List Member

Even the least among you can do all that I have done, and greater things.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.   – Jesus of Nazareth

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

("Dream, Saturday afternoon, March 11, 1978.

("I took a nap, and awakened remembering this dream experience: First I was in a room asking a group of people about 'the council' — I wanted to know if there was such a thing. Instantly a white light came from the floor up through the ceiling, door width, with some symbols in or on it. I immediately whooshed up through the air into it, ascending out of the room at great speed. I became somewhat frightened and wished to return; I think I was afraid of being carried away too completely. I don't know what I saw. I returned to the room at once, but forget how or the circumstances.

("Later, I'm in some kind of spiritualistic reading room, telling a woman of my experience. When I say I'm the author of the Seth material she becomes upset, saying that they don't accept it. This doesn't bother me."

(Now from Seth:)

Ruburt, I understand, was looking for the council. He was looking for counsel of a most exalted kind, and so it became the council — an excellent term, by the way, standing for the most intimate and yet exalted counsel possible for any individual.

He was looking for a state of higher consciousness that would represent a unique and yet universal source of information and revelation. Such a source does exist for each individual, regardless of how it is interpreted. The white light is characteristically a symbol in such cases. He could not assimilate the information, and became frightened, to some extent at least, at the vastness of the experience involved, as if the ancient yet new knowledge that he sought for his individual reasons was so encompassing that his own individuality would have trouble handling it while retaining its own necessary frame of reference. A natural-enough reaction, simply because of the usual unfamiliarity of such experiences.

He was bathed in that light, however, filled with it, refreshed by it, and given new comprehensions that will now emerge in his experience in a piecemeal fashion that can be assimilated in his normal frame of reference. Translations, then, are even now being made. The contact will also be reestablished.


Maybe we all get it wrong sometimes... lol
One of the things I like most about Abraham & Seth is the idea that nothing has gone wrong.
We haven't fallen from grace, we aren't being punished, and we are not born in sin.
We forgot our Source *on purpose* so that Love could find Itself anew.
Everything is OK, All is well, even if we do "get it wrong" sometimes.
Seth calls it "grappling towards a greater becoming", and states that "all of our shortcomings will be redeemed in the larger scheme of things."
But by far one of the best things he ever said was, "resolve not to worry."


A truly good man does nothing,
Yet leaves nothing undone.
A foolish man is always doing,
Yet much remains to be done.

"I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, Believe that you have received it, And it will be yours" Mark 11:24 (Bible)

"As we cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves, we also nourish peace and happiness in those we love."
Thich Nhat Hanh

When you ALLOW, you FEEL THE ECSTASY of energy moving through you.
Then, you are on the path you've intended for this life."
Abraham, Gaithersburg, MD - 10/21/00

"Whenever you are truly joyful, you are on the right track.
No god ever meant or intended that you suffer.
God is a joyful being.
To the extent that you do not realize that you exist in Him you are sorrowful."
Seth, class session 3/12/68

"Within each one lies the cause of whatever comes to him. Each has it in his own hands to determine what comes. Everything made in the visible, material world has its origin in the unseen, the spiritual, the thought world. This is the world of cause; the former is the world of effect. The nature of the effect is always in accordance with the nature of the cause. What one lives in his invisible, thought world, he is continually actualizing in his visible, material world. If he would have any conditions different in the latter, he must make the necessary change in the former. A clear realization of this great fact would bring success to thousands of men and women who all about us are now in the depths of despair. It would bring health, abounding health and strength to thousands now diseased and suffering. It would bring peace and joy to thousands now unhappy and ill at ease."

Ralph Waldo Trine, In Tune with the Infinite

The road to success is a straight and narrow path; it is a road of loving absorption, of undivided attention.
You attract the things you give a great deal of thought to.
So if you give a great deal of thought to lack, you attract lack, if you give a great deal of thought to injustice, you attract injustice.
From: The Secret Door to Success by Florence Scovel Shinn

"We would far rather you selfishly intend for something to happen to you like winning the lottery than that you meddle in the lives of humanity by wishing peace on those who don't want it.

(Laughter from audience.)

In other words, you get to choose whatever it is you are wanting and you get to achieve vibrational harmony with it, and when you do that the Universe will deliver it to you.

In fact, that's your only work. Your only work is to line up the energy within you.

Now peace on earth, that is a sort of meddling, stepping on the creative toes of a lot of people.

In other words, that's going beyond the boundaries of lining up the energy within you...

Because it's not any of your business what anybody else does with their thoughts.

It's only your business what you do with your thoughts."

- Abraham-Hicks -

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking.
And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

From the book: You are God, Get Over It.....
"To deny that your reality is your will, is to deny your creatorship- -your Godself. As a result of this denial, those areas of your life that you believe are outside of your control are indeed outside of your control, until such time that you take back that power of creatorship. By denying you are the creator you give away your power of creation and, as a result, you will have experiences that you cannot believe you would create for yourself. These experiences are the manifestation of your belief that you are not the creator of your reality. They reflect an aspect of your being that you are in denial of. You cannot cease being the creator, for you cannot stop being, instead you simply come to manifest your denial of your creatorship. . To consciously be God, you must believe you are God.

When you come to realize yourself as the creator, you will see that it was in your creative choice to give away your power of creation that you created all that you cannot believe you would create. All experiences are a choice, even the choice to give away your power of choice; it is your choice to not choose--the freedom of the infinite to be finite. Know however, that the choice to take back your power of creation can never leave you. That is the freedom of your will. That is your creatorship. It is your beingness, and it can never leave you for that is what you are."
Quoted is Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher, on a happy man.
> >
> > "Such a man feels himself a citizen of the universe, enjoying freely the spectacle that it offers and the joy that it affords, untroubled by the thoughts of death because he feels himself not really separated from those who will come after him. It is in such a profound instinctive union with the stream of life that the greatest joy is to be found."
> >
> > From the book The Conquest of Happiness.

"As you are feeling positive emotion - such as love, peace, happiness, joy, excitement, exhilaration ... it is your Inner Being communicating to you in that moment that you are feeling the emotion - that your thoughts are in harmony with that which you are wanting, As you are experiencing negative emotion - such as fear or doubt, anger, hatred, jealousy, stress, guilt, anxiety .. it is a communication from your Inner Being telling you that in that moment - that which you are focused upon is not in harmony with what you are wanting."

"You can be free from any binding circumstance, past or present, from any restricting condition, from turmoil, confusion or destructive feelings. Be assured that freedom can come quickly without a long period of waiting until all outer things are set right. You can be free now.
This freedom begins with your thought – one thought at a time. Freedom is your spiritual birthright. There is nothing that can keep you tense, bound or imprisoned when you know the Truth of your being.
As you comprehend this heritage, visualize it, realize it and finalize it within your heart. Meditating upon it daily, you will find your freedom. You will know surely, strongly, powerfully, joyously, `I can be free! I can be free now! I am free!' And so it shall be."

Story Waters…….

“There is no external force that sets up lessons for you with an expectation that you will learn what you are doing wrong. You are not living in a reward and punishment system. There is no right and wrong; what we feel as right and wrong is but our realization of, or separation from, the love that we are. You are living within the choice of yourself. If through your choice of beliefs you choose a definition that is painful, then you will experience pain; that is the only reason you ever experience pain.

It is not wrong to experience pain. It does not mean that you have made a mistake. To accept what is being said here is to let go of the idea that there is a force other than yourself shaping your reality. This is to take complete responsiblity for what you are and stand fully in your own power of creation.

There are many forces in the world; every person is a creative force, and though other people may inspire or catalyze you, you are the ultimate creator of your personal reality.

Others can only affect your reality if you choose to let them. We came here to not only experience ourselves but to experience being with each other - to catalyze and diversify (but not create) each other's unfolding. The choice of who you allow into your life greatly shapes your reality.

To awaken is to realize that you are the determinant of which energies you wish to interact with. If the experience of another person is hurting you, then reality is reflecting that you have given away an aspect of your self-determination to them.
Choose with love for yourself who you share your life with. All beings are to be respected, all beings are teachers, but to have them in your life is a choice. There is NOTHING that necessitates any specific person being in your life………….Story Waters
From his book: You Are God - Get Over It (Unfolding 18 - p.

"Your thoughts have an electromagnetic reality. Now you must realize that this is true or the rest of what I am saying will indeed sound like Pollyanna nonsense.

''When you think in terms, for example, of abundance and plenty, then
those thoughts draw to you abundance and plenty as a magnet does. There will be a while, while you are changing your beliefs for example, you will find yourself in a period where you feel quite self deceptive and you are saying, "I am surrounded by wealth and abundance," and you still look around you and you are poor. And you think, "This is a lot of bull!"

''But it took you some time to build up your beliefs to the point of your present experience, and so, in your terms, there may be some lag before your new beliefs draw to you abundance. But your physical experience follows your thought. And you cannot change the experience without first changing your thought."


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